The most frequent question is about the quality of our products.

As one of the few companies operating on our market, we have our products tested in a state testing laboratory. All our products are manufactured according to valid technical standards of ČSN. Cots ČSN EN 716-1+A1:2013. Cradles EN 1130-2:1996. Textiles meet the requirements of the Ministry of Health No.84/2001 Coll. on technical requirements for products. THEY ARE DESIGNED FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES. Wooden chairs ČSN EN 14988-1+A1:2014 and surface treatment according to the conditions of the Ministry of Health No.84/2001 Coll. on technical requirements for products FOR CHILDREN.

Enquiries by e-mail

When sending enquiries by email, please include a telephone number. This will speed up the processing of your enquiry. Sometimes we may not be able to respond within a reasonable time. Email: info@scarlett.cz

Thank you.